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Albright Moody Shifferly

June 3, 1881 -- January 23, 1965

Albright Moody Shifferly Albright, often called "Bright," was born June 3, 1881, in Hancock Co., Ohio. He was married to Carrie Alice Todd on Nov. 2, 1904, in Bluffton, Allen Co., Ohio, by Rev. John Todd, her father. Carrie died in 1943, and a year later Albright married Alberta Smith DeBow.

Albright was employed as a salesman and buyer for Gregg's Department Store in Lima, Ohio. His obituary says he ran a grocery store in Dola, Ohio from 1947 until his retirement. He also wrote poetry, and is remembered by his family as being funny and sentimental. He was clever at making a home more efficient and attractive, and did painting and carpentry.

Albright composed many poems during his life, taking inspiration from the world and situations around him. Some were for Christmas or birthday greetings, many were about his family and family life. A few of his poems follow.


What's My Name?

My given name is Albright Moody,
And it rhymes with Howdy Doody.
When I was a child I had no choice,
And was called "Bright" by every voice.

Some hailed me as Albright as I older grew
And I accepted, t'was the thing to do.
Some close friends, to be more spiffy
When we'd meet would say, "Hi! Shiffy!"

Then later on came a Kiwanis pal
And said, From now on you'll be known as 'Al.'"
To me it makes no difference who is right,
But I know many old friends still think I'm "Bright".


Albright and Carrie Shifferly

Albright & Carrie Shifferly about 1917

She's My Everything

Many folks said she was right pretty,
And justly so t'was said.
She wore a smile where e're she went,
And a Tam-o-shanter on her head.
---That was my girlfriend.

She was very popular with all the boys,
And many dates could have had.
But somehow she stuck to the same fellow
Who was OKed by her dad.
---That was my sweetheart.

It was not long till her left hand finger
Displayed a diamond ring.
When asked by her friends, "Is it real? she'd say,
"Why, of course, sure thing."
---That was my lover.

The time soon came for wedding bells.
The marriage day was set.
Her thoughts were on a little home
For two and maybe more, you bet.
---That was my bride.

Years passed, then some children came,
The finest in the land.
A mother true was she to give her all
In answer to their demands.
---That was my wife.

And now her children have gone away
In other homes to live.
In future years a real pal she'll be,
Ever ready to take and give.
---That's my better half.

(no date)

Albright Shifferly in 1962

Albright Shifferly in 1962

An Old Man

When I no longer get a thrill
Greeting the flowers in the early spring,
Nor feel a song coming within
When first the bluebirds sing,
When lover's happy nonsense make
Me stern, harsh or cold,
When endearing words for a lullaby mean nothing,
Then I'll know I'm growing old.

If I fail to respond with hearty cheer
When my favorite player hits a home-run,
Or if I hold my head down, deep despondent,
Watching a glorious sunset when day is done,
Or I turn my head and look away
As a bathing beauty passes dressed in gold,
When all of these no longer hold a thrill,
Then I'll know I'm getting old.

July 3, 1960

The Hauenstein & Schifferly Families of Ohio
, privately published in 1991 by Clerice Joy Fisher, p. 299

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